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From the Commissioner - December 2019

December is upon us and the Holiday Season has begun in earnest. From our agency to your offices and homes, we wish you all the very best of blessings of the Season and a prosperous New Year in 2020. At TREC & TALCB we are celebrating the selection of our next Executive Director and Commissioner who will take on those responsibilities effective January 1st.

Board Announces New Commissioner

The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is pleased to announce Chelsea Buchholtz as Executive Director of TREC effective January 1, 2020. She will be the first female executive director in TREC’s history. The Executive Director also serves as the Commissioner of the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB), who participated significantly in the selection process. Ms. Buchholtz currently serves as the Commission’s General Counsel.

From the Commissioner - November 2019

November has arrived, the World Series is done, NFL Football is halfway over, and the extended Holiday season is just around the corner.  Before you know it, Thanksgiving Day, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter solstice, Christmas and New Year’s will be upon us, affording each of us at least one tradition to celebrate.

From the General Counsel - October 2019

We welcome Sara Oates as the newly appointed Chair of the Board and Stephanie Robinson and Lisa Sprinkle as two new public members of the Board.  For more information about our new Board members, please review the appointment announcement on the TALCB website. These new members will be hitting the ground running as we gear up for the strategic planning process and November meetings.

Governor Appoints Three to Board

AUSTIN, TX – The Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) is pleased to announce the Governor’s appointment of new Chair Sara Jones Oates, and public members, Stephanie Robinson, and Lisa H. Sprinkle to the Board for terms to expire on January 31, 2025. The new appointees succeed Chair, Jamie Wickliff, and public members, Alejandro “Alex” Sostre-Odio and Joyce Yannuzzi. The Board thanks the outgoing members for their dedicated service to the people of Texas. 

TALCB Issues Position Statement Regarding Appraiser Performance of Evaluations

At its meeting on September 6, 2019, the Board considered the issue of appraiser performance of evaluations. Several stakeholders and members of the public attended the meeting and provided comments on this matter. In addition to those commenters who came to the meeting and spoke in person, the Board also received written comments from stakeholders and members of the public that were submitted before the September 6th meeting.

TALCB Proposes Procedural Rule for AMC National Registry

The AMC Registry is a national database of Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs) that is maintained by the Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) to facilitate the sharing of information between states that regulate AMCs. The AMC Registry is also open to the public and may be used by clients and consumers to view certain information about an AMC. The ASC previously adopted rules requiring AMCs to report certain information to the states for inclusion on the AMC Registry.

Agency Seeking Commissioner

The Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) is hiring a new Commissioner. Our long-serving Commissioner, Douglas Oldmixon, is retiring at the end of March 2020. The Commissioner serves as the agency leader for both TALCB and for the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC), and is responsible for organizational culture and day-to-day operations of the agency. This includes managing staff and agency resources, overseeing the annual budget, and developing and implementing a strategic plan in collaboration with TREC and TALCB policymakers appointed by the Governor.