The Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) recently amended several rules to allow more transparency in the complaint process. These changes are a result of discussion and consideration of the Board, Board committees, and feedback from stakeholders. The changes include:
Peer Investigative Committee Review (22 Tex. Admin. Code 153. 28)
After reviewing the complaint process, the Enforcement Committee wanted more Board involvement in the complaint process to ensure that cases were resolved consistent with the Board’s policy directives. In February, the committee recommended the adoption of the Peer Investigative Committee (PIC) rule. The rule creates PIC committees consisting of two appraiser-Board members and a staff investigator. If staff recommends further action, like discipline, the PIC reviews the complaint and findings. The PIC can then make recommendations for further action.
Investigative Conferences
The updated investigative conference process has been revised to allow more flexibility. Respondents can now participate in investigative conferences in several ways, including:
- in person at the Board’s headquarters;
- by telephone;
- by video conference; or
- in writing.
Bad Faith Complaints (22 Tex. Admin. Code 153.24(d))
The Board has amended the complaint processing rule to be consistent with the Texas Appraiser Act. As part of the complaint process, staff investigators review each complaint and if they determine that a complaint is filed in bad faith, for purposes of harassment, or to gain a competitive or economic advantage, the complaint will be dismissed.