At the Board meeting in February, Appraiser member Rolando Castro shared a few things about why he decided to join the Board and some of the core principles that will guide decisions throughout his tenure. His thoughts on the Board's mission are below:
I have only been a part of this Board a short time; however, in that time, I have seen how dedicated my fellow Board members are to the appraiser profession's continued success. I would also be remiss in not acknowledging the staff members who have continued working hard, despite challenging circumstances during a global pandemic. From what I have seen, no matter the hurdles that have been presented to them, they continue to strive to work hard for the consumers, the appraisers, and the Board. I am thankful for this as it has made my transition into this new role as seamless as possible.
As I see it, serving on the Board allows me to give back to an industry that has given me so much in my life. During my time as an appraiser, I have gained a wealth of knowledge, several life-long friends, and a true sense of community. No matter how long you have been in this business, from the first-year trainee to a seasoned appraiser with several decades under your belt, there is always something new to learn. It may be from a class that is taken to a new technological process that may make us more efficient at our jobs and a conversation with a colleague about a previously new subject. That is what I find intriguing about the appraisal profession, and giving others those same chances is what drew me to serve on this Board.
As such, I feel that this Board's task is to continue providing these opportunities to all our stakeholders most efficiently and effectively while preserving integrity and accountability throughout the process. Our job is to remain accessible, responsive, and transparent to real estate appraisal services consumers and producers. Eliminating those barriers that hinder the appraisal profession's growth is a continued goal of the Board. Suppose we can make things more efficient for those entering and staying in the appraisal industry while maintaining and safeguarding the public interest. In that case, I believe that Board will have served its intended purpose and the chance for me to give back to the appraisal profession.