Texas is a leader. This was one of the first discussion points during the May 10 meeting of the Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board (TALCB). Its executive director informed the board of a recent industry conference staff attended where TALCB’s partnership with the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) was highlighted again. TALCB and TWC’s Civil Rights Division work together to investigate complaints alleging appraisal bias. Other state regulators are taking notice and have also expressed interest in the board’s mentorship program that pairs experienced appraisers with those who are required to complete remedial training and education.
An Opportunity for Improvement Before Discipline
Board members are considering amending the Sanctions Guidelines to allow for more flexibility in first-time discipline of Level 2 violations of the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Act and statute. This type of violation involves serious deficiencies that impact the credibility of an appraisal report.
The changes include opening the penalty matrix to allow for dismissals with warnings. This could allow for less harsh punishments in situations where the appraiser takes remedial steps like improving a deficient appraisal report and receiving additional education or training.
Other possible changes include new factors that may be considered in determining the disposition of a formal complaint:
- Whether an appraisal or the appraiser’s conduct was investigated by another governmental agency.
- The likelihood of the same or similar conduct occurring again.
Details of these proposed amendments can be found starting on page 67 of the meeting materials.
Quadrennial Rule Review
Texas law requires state agencies to conduct a review of its rules at least every four years to determine whether the reasons for adopting the rules still exist. Board members have these options: appeal, readopt, or readopt with amendments. The process is like rulemaking which includes a public comment period.
Up next for review by the board are 22 TAC Chapter 155, Rules Relating to Standards of Practice; and Chapter 157, Rules Relating to Practice and Procedure.
Meeting Materials and Upcoming Meeting Details
View the May 10 meeting recording, agenda, and meeting materials.
The next TALCB Meeting is August 16 in Austin at 9 a.m. CT.