There's a shortage of appraiser supervisors for prospective appraiser trainees, which means it’s hard for more appraisers to make headway in the industry. The Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) hosted a webinar on Wednesday, October 16 at 1 p.m. CT. to discuss the ins and outs of appraiser supervision. This webinar also provided key information for aspiring appraisers. Topics included:
- The role and importance of a supervisor, explained.
- How to become a trainee.
- What’s in it for supervisors?
- How to find an appraiser looking for a trainee.
- Fannie Mae’s role in the profession.
- Trainee misconceptions.
Who Spoke?
The webinar lineup was curated to represent the various roles played in the trainee experience:
- TALCB Director Melissa Tran
- TALCB Member Mark McAnally
- Fannie Mae Manager Kevin Smith
- Fannie Mae Appraiser Diversity Initiative Director Denise Jernigan
- Trainee, Appraiser Diversity Initiative Scholar Nicole Morris
- Certified Residential Appraiser Stephanie Streep-Tuley
- Certified Residential Appraiser Olivo Castillo
Hear from them in the below recording.
Here is a list of the links that were shared live during the webinar:
- More information about how to become a trainee.
- The TALCB Notebook.
- The Appraiser Qualification Board's Concept Paper related to college degrees.
- Trainees seeking a sponsor.
- Fannie Mae's Selling Guide.
- Information about the Appraiser Diversity Initiative ADI.
- Email sergio_johnson@fanniemae.com to learn more about how to connect with an ADI Scholar.