The agency’s mission reads as follows:
The agency exists to safeguard the public interest and protect consumers of real estate services. In accord with state and federal laws the agency oversees real estate brokerage, appraisal, inspection, home warranty, right-of-way services and timeshare interest providers. Through education, licensing and regulation, the agency ensures the availability of qualified and ethical service providers, thereby facilitating economic growth and opportunity across Texas.
Following a recitation of our agency’s mission statement, Board member, Martha Gayle Reid Lynch had these additional words of reflection:
At the August Board meeting, the chair asked me to start the meeting with the meeting’s “mission moment.” This has become the Board’s opportunity to set the tone for the meeting and remember what our purpose is.
The Board is charged by the Governor’s office to protect Texans using real property valuation services while facilitating and encouraging economic growth and opportunity across the State of Texas. Recent directives from Governor Abbott include removing barriers to the appraisal industry entry through burdensome regulation, cumbersome licensing requirements, fees and creating a streamlined application processes. At the same time, the Board must balance this with upholding the high standards and ethical practice by Texas appraisers.
How is this achieved?
- Board must make policies and rules to protect consumers of real property appraisals and the appraisal industry.
- The agency’s staff operate to fulfill the Boards directives and enforce decisions, rules and policies created by the Board.
- The Board regularly oversees the agency operations to ensure that it is carrying out the will of the Board and safeguarding Texas consumers.
Simply stated, TALCB’s mission is to protect consumers of real property appraisal services. This protection is achieved by creating policy and rules to ensure high standards for qualifications and ensure ethical and honest behavior in the appraisal industry.
Serving on the Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board is truly a great honor and a privilege that comes with great responsibility. I thank the other members of the Board for joining me on this mission and I look forward to continuing the great work of the Board.