At the May 15 Board meeting, TALCB chair, Sara Oates asked appraiser member Chance Bolton, to share his motivation and thoughts on the work of the Board. Mr. Bolton shares his thoughts below:
After serving on the Board since 2016, I wanted to share my thoughts with you, the license holders, on our mission as a board.
The TREC/TALCB Mission Statements reads:
The agency exists to safeguard the public interest and protect consumers of real estate services in accordance with state and federal laws. The agency oversees real estate brokerage, appraisal, inspection, home warranty, right-of-way services, and timeshare interest providers. Through education, licensing, and regulation, the agency ensures the availability of qualified and ethical service providers, thereby facilitating economic growth and opportunity across Texas.
So, what is it that this Board does to ensure that the agency safeguards the public trust?
Two things: policy and oversight.
Through policy, we must maintain high standards for qualifications and professionalism while seeking ways to reduce burdensome regulations and processes for license holders. Through policy, we must ensure ethical practice by Texas appraisers while instructively and fairly employing disciplinary strategies.
Board oversight is also critical to ensure TALCB administration and operations are consistent with the will of the Board and appropriate regulation. Diligent board oversight aligns with the expectations of Governor Abbot, and we must assure the people of Texas that we are worthy stewards of this agency.
An essential aspect to safeguarding consumers and the public is for this Board to craft policies to support the appraisal industry in Texas. Burdensome regulation, cumbersome licensing requirements and fees, arduous application processes, and heavy-handed execution of disciplinary enforcement are all things that we as a board must be vigilant to seek out and change for the health of the industry. We, as a board, should not be afraid to right a wrong or to innovate in our mission.
I view these guiding principles essential in our dual roles as policymakers and oversight authority to ensure the betterment of the appraisal industry in Texas.