The Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) is pleased to announce a new online transaction for ACE Providers. This transaction will allow Appraiser Continuing Education (ACE) providers to pay the fee for a One-Time Classroom Course Offering (i.e.: lunch and learn) online using TALCB Online Services.
If an ACE provider pays for the ACE One-Time Course Application online, does the provider still need to submit a Course Application to TALCB?
Yes. Once the application fee is paid online, providers must email a copy of the PDF Summary Report and a completed ACE Course application to education@talcb.texas.gov for staff review.
Can an ACE provider still submit the ACE One-Time Course Application and Fee by mail?
Yes. If a provider prefers to submit the ACE One-Time course application and fee by mail, you are welcome to do so.
Can an ACE provider pay for traditional ACE course application fees online?
No. Currently, only the ACE One-Time Classroom Course Offering fee may be paid online.
If you have any questions, please contact an education specialist at education@talcb.texas.gov.