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Meeting Details

02/03/2023 at 09:00 am
Stephen F. Austin Building, Room 170
1700 North Congress
Austin, TX 78701

Meeting Materials

Meeting Video

TALCB Board Meeting

The meeting agenda and any meeting materials can be found under 'Meeting Materials' on the right side of this page. These minutes set out the agenda item, the subject matter discussed, and any action taken on each item. To hear the full discussion on any agenda item, click on the link, and you will be taken directly to that section of the meeting video on the right side of the screen.

Note: While the written portion of the minutes below are published in agenda order, the items may have been presented in a different order.

Agenda Item 1 - Call to order and pledges of allegiance

Agenda Item 2 - Roll call and discussion and possible action to excuse absence(s), if any

A roll call was conducted by the Recording Secretary and the following members of the Board, constituting a quorum, answered present: Chair Ms. Sara Oates, Ms. Martha Gayle Reid Lynch, Mr. Chance Bolton, Mr. Clayton Black, Mr. Rolando Castro, Mr. Mark McAnally, Ms. Paola Escalante-Castillo, and Ms. Lisa Sprinkle.

ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Bolton moved to excuse the absence of Ms. Stephanie Robinson. Mr. McAnally seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 3 - Opening remarks from the Chair and Board mission moment

Agenda Item 4 - Election of Vice Chair and Secretary

ACTION TAKEN: The Chair opened the floor for nominations. Mr. Castro moved to elect Ms. Reid Lynch as Vice Chair and Mr. McAnally as Secretary. Mr. Black seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 5 - Appointments to Budget & Finance Committee, Education & Licensing Committee, Enforcement Committee, and TREC and TALCB Joint Audit Committee

ACTION TAKEN: The Chair appointed Board members to the following committees:

Budget & Finance Committee:

  • Stephanie Robinson (Chair)
  • Paola Escalante-Castillo
  • Mark McAnally

Education & Licensing Committee:

  • Rolando Castro (Chair)
  • Stephanie Robinson
  • Lisa Sprinkle

Enforcement Committee:

  • Chance Bolton (Chair)
  • Clayton Black
  • Rolando Castro

TREC and TALCB Joint Audit Committee:

  • Chance Bolton

Agenda Item 6 - Discussion and possible action regarding appointment of Mentors

ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Castro moved to appoint Bobby Crisp, Deloris Kraft-Longoria, Diana Jacob, Gregory Reynolds, Gregory Stephens, John Dorie, Pamela Teel, Paul Hornsby, Robinson Wilson, Robin Forrester and Tony Pistilli as Mentors for a period of two years. Mr. Bolton seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 7 - General comments from visitors on non-agenda items

Comments were made by Richard Downs, representing RSDS Valuations.

Comments were made by Scott DiBiasio, representing the Appraisal Institute.

Agenda Item 8 - Ratification of the official record of the December 1, 2022 and December 2, 2022 Board meetings as approved for posting on the website by the Secretary of the Board

ACTION TAKEN: Ms. Reid Lynch moved to ratify the minutes as presented. Mr. Black seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 9 - Final orders and surrenders in the matter of:

a. Complaint #22-360 (Charlcya Stayton, TX-1325902-R)
b. Complaint #22-384 (Todd Davis, TX-1360206-R)
c. Complaint #22-391 (Alfred Okoreeh, TX-1360337-R)
d. Complaint #22-171 & 22-503 (Albert Menn, TX-1320731-G)

Agenda Item 10 - Report by Budget & Finance Committee

Agenda Item 11 - Report by Education & Licensing Committee

Agenda Item 12 - Report by Executive Committee

Agenda Item 13 - Staff reports on agency operations, initiatives and statistical data

Agenda Items 14 & 15 - Discussion and possible action to adopt repeal of 22 Tex. Admin. Code §153.24, Complaint Processing; and

Discussion and possible action to adopt new 22 Tex. Admin. Code, Chapter 153:

a. §153.24. Complaint Processing
b. §153.241. Sanctions Guidelines

ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Bolton moved for adoption of the repeal and new rules as published. Ms. Reid Lynch seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 16 - Executive session to discuss pending litigation or receive advice of legal counsel pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.071 and personnel matters relating to the performance review of the Commissioner pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.074.

ACTION TAKEN: The Chair called the Board into executive session at 10:00 a.m.

The Chair reconvened the meeting at 10:50 a.m.

Agenda Item 17a - Discussion and possible action regarding recommendation from the Executive Committee regarding Mentor application and appointment cycle

ACTION TAKEN: Ms. Reid Lynch moved that the Board adopt the Executive Committee's recommendation for the consideration and appointment of Mentors annually at the Board's February meeting for two-year terms. Mr. McAnnally seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 17b - Discussion and possible action regarding recommendation from the Executive Committee regarding Delegation of Authority to Approve and Sign Agreed Orders and Voluntary Surrenders

ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Bolton moved that the Board adopt the revised Delegation of Authority to Approve and Sign Agreed Orders and Voluntary Surrenders allowing the Chair's delegation of authority to approve and sign Agreed Orders, Agreed Final Orders, and Voluntary Surrenders to include agreed modifications to these orders. Ms. Reid Lynch seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 18 - Discussion regarding performance review and salary of TALCB Commissioner

Agenda Item 19 - Update regarding legislative matters

Agenda Item 20 - Discussion and possible action regarding the submission of comments in response to the AQB's Exposure Draft for changes to the Criteria.

The Board delegated authority to finalize and submit discussed comments to the Education & Licensing Committee.

Agenda Item 21 - Discussion and possible action regarding items for future meetings

Agenda Item 22 - Discussion and possible action to schedule future meeting dates

Future meeting dates were confirmed for May 19, 2023 and August 18, 2023, and tentatively set for November 9, 2023 (Board workshop) and November 10, 2023.

Agenda Item 23 - The Chair adjourned the meeting at 11:29 a.m.