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Meeting Details

02/28/2020 at 10:00 am
Stephen F. Austin Building, Room 170
1700 North Congress
Austin, TX 78701

Meeting Materials

Meeting Video

TALCB Board Meeting

The meeting agenda and any meeting materials can be found under 'Meeting Materials' on the right side of this page. These minutes set out the agenda item, the subject matter discussed, and any action taken on each item. To hear the full discussion on any agenda item, click on the link, and you will be taken directly to that section of the meeting video on the right side of the screen.

Note: While the written portion of the minutes below are published in agenda order, the items may have been presented in a different order.

Agenda Item 1 - Call to order and pledges of allegiance

Agenda Item 2 - Roll call and discussion and possible action to excuse Board member absence(s), if any

A roll call was conducted by the Recording Secretary and the following members of the Board, constituting a quorum, answered present: Chair Ms. Sara Oates, Ms. Martha Gayle Reid Lynch, Mr. Chance Bolton, Mr. Clayton Black, Mr. Tony Peña, Mr. Buster Renfrow, Ms. Stephanie Robinson and Ms. Lisa Sprinkle.

The Chair noted that Mr. Jim Jeffries gave prior notice of his late arrival and would join the meeting shortly. 

Agenda Item 3 - Recognition of outgoing Commissioner and General Counsel

The Chair officially welcomed Commissioner Chelsea Buchholtz.

Presentations were made recognizing outgoing staff members Commissioner Douglas Oldmixon and General Counsel Kristen Worman for their service.

Agenda Item 4 - Introduction of Texas Appraiser Organizations

a. Foundation Appraiser Coalition of Texas (FACT)

b. Association of Texas Appraisers (ATA)

Agenda Item 5 - Election of Vice Chair & Secretary

ACTION TAKEN: The Chair opened the floor for nominations. Hearing none, Mr. Black moved to approve the slate of officers nominated at the November 15, 2019 Board meeting. Mr. Peña seconded the motion, and the Board unanimously elected Ms. Reid Lynch as Vice Chair and Mr. Bolton as Secretary. 

Agenda Item 6 - Appointments for Budget Committee, Education Committee and Enforcement Committee

ACTION TAKEN: The Chair appointed Board members to the following committees:

Budget Committee:

  • Tony Peña (chair)
  • Clayton Black
  • Stephanie Robinson

Education Committee:

  • Jim Jeffries (chair)
  • Stephanie Robinson
  • Lisa Sprinkle

Enforcement Committee:

  • Chance Bolton (chair)
  • Tony Peña
  • Buster Renfrow

The Chair also noted that the Executive Committee is made up of the elected officers and the Vice Chair of the Board (Martha Gayle Reid Lynch) is statutorily designated as chair of the AMC Advisory Committee.

Mr. Jeffries joined the meeting at 10:39am.

Agenda Item 7 - Discussion and possible action regarding appointments to Peer Investigative Committees

ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Jeffries moved to appoint Deloris Kraft-Longoria, Glenn Garoon, Greg Stephens, Joshua Wood, Robert Hetrick, Robert Moorman, and Tony Pistilli to Peer Investigative Committees for a period of two years. Ms. Reid Lynch seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 8 - General comments from visitors on non-agenda items

Comments were made by Shelby Smith, Alyssa MacDonald and Bridgette Burdick, representing themselves, expressing concerns regarding a recent drop in exam pass rates for certified general appraisers.

Comments were made by Bobby Crisp, representing the Association of Texas Appraisers, urging the Board to assist in protecting the safety of appraisers working along the Texas-Mexico border.   

Agenda Item 9 - Ratification of the official record of the November 13, 2019, November 14, 2019 and November 15, 2019 Board meetings as approved for posting on the website by the Secretary of the Board

ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Black moved to ratify the minutes as presented. Mr. Bolton seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 10 - Final orders and surrenders in the matter of:

a. Complaint #19-327 (Dawna R. Lemmon, TX-1360404-R)

b. Complaint #19-380 (Bill Scott, Unlicensed)

c. Complaint #18-310 (Doyle White, TX-1321819-R)

Agenda Item 11 - Discussion and possible action on proposal for decision from the State Office of Administrative Hearings in the matter of SOAH Docket #329-19-5178.ALC (Jon Mark Anweiler, TX-1335976-G)

Comments were made by Melissa Tran, staff attorney.

Comments were made by Don Walden, attorney for the Respondent.

Comments were made by Jon Anweiler, Respondent.

ACTION TAKEN: Ms. Reid Lynch moved to adopt the PFD as written. Mr. Bolton requested that the Board move into executive session. After returning from executive session, Mr. Renfrow seconded the motion. The motion failed by a vote of 4 to 5 with Ms. Oates, Mr. Bolton, Mr. Jeffries, Mr. Peña and Mr. Black voting Nay.

After further discussion, Mr. Bolton moved to adopt the PFD with a reduced administrative penalty of $7,900. Mr. Jeffries seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 7 to 2 with Mr. Renfrow and Ms. Sprinkle voting Nay.

Agenda Item 12 - Executive session to discuss pending litigation or receive advice of legal counsel pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.071 and personnel matters pursuant to Government Code §551.074

The Chair called the Board into executive session at 12:09pm.

The Chair reconvened the meeting at 1:01pm.

Agenda Item 13 - Report by AMC Committee

Agenda Item 14 - Report by Education Committee

Agenda Item 15 - Report by Enforcement Committee

Agenda Item 16 - Report by Executive Committee

Agenda Item 17 - Staff reports on processes, monthly activities and statistical data

Agenda Item 18 - Discussion and possible action to adopt amendments to Chapter 153, 22 Tex. Admin. Code:

a. §153.21, Appraiser Trainees and Supervisory Appraisers

b. §153.40, Approval of Continuing Education Providers and Courses

c. §153.41, ACE Providers: Compliance and Enforcement

ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Jeffries moved for the adoption of the rules as presented. Ms. Reid Lynch seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 19 - Discussion and possible action to propose amendments to Chapter 153, 22 Tex. Admin. Code §153.15, Experience Required for Licensing

ACTION TAKEN: Ms. Reid Lynch moved that the amendments be published in the Texas Register for public comment as presented. Mr. Bolton seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 20 - Discussion and possible action to propose amendments to Chapter 157, 22 Tex. Admin. Code §157.31, Investigative Conference

ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Renfrow moved that the amendments be published in the Texas Register for public comment as presented. Mr. Bolton seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 21 - Discussion and possible action regarding request for Attorney General Opinion

Mr. Bolton moved to rescind the position statement regarding appraiser performance of evaluations adopted by the Board at the September 6, 2019 Board meeting. The motion failed without a second.

Ms. Reid Lynch moved to refer this item to the executive committee. Mr. Black seconded the motion. After further discussion, Ms. Reid Lynch amended her motion to rescind the Board's September decision to seek an opinion from the Attorney General and establish a position at the executive committee level for how to address enforcement cases until the matter could be addressed statutorily. Mr. Black seconded the amendment. The motion was later withdrawn.

Ms. Reid Lynch moved to seek an opinion from the Attorney General. Mr. Bolton seconded the motion. After further discussion, the motion was deemed unnecessary and withdrawn.       

Later in the meeting, Mr. Bolton asked to revisit the item and moved to rescind the position statement regarding appraiser performance of evaluations adopted by the Board at the September 6, 2019 Board meeting and seek an opinion from the Office of the Attorney General. Ms. Reid Lynch seconded the motion, and the motion passed by a vote of 7 to 2 with Mr. Renfrow and Mr. Jeffries voting Nay. 

Agenda Item 22 - Discussion and possible action to update Policy for Safeguarding the National Registry to add language for safeguarding the AMC National Registry.

ACTION TAKEN: Ms. Reid Lynch moved to adopt the updated Policy for Safeguarding the National Registry as presented. Mr. Peña seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 23 - Discussion and possible action to ratify comments submitted to Appraiser Qualifications Board regarding First Exposure Draft of a Proposed Change to the Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria – Licensed Residential Scope of Practice

ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Jeffries moved to ratify the comments submitted to the AQB. Ms. Reid Lynch seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Agenda Item 24 - Report and discussion regarding selection of agency exam provider

Agenda Item 25 - Discussion regarding ASC Compliance Review

Agenda Item 26 - Discussion and possible action regarding search for new General Counsel

No action was taken.

Agenda Item 27 - Discussion and possible action regarding agenda items for future meetings

The Chair requested an item be added regarding the Appraisal Standards Board's First Exposure Draft of Proposed Changes for 2022-23 USPAP and submission of TALCB comments.

Agenda Item 28 - Discussion and possible action to schedule future meeting and workshop dates

Future meeting dates were confirmed for May 14, 2020 (Board Workshop), May 15, 2020 and August 21, 2020.

Agenda Item 29 - The Chair adjourned the meeting at 2:07pm.