TALCB Board Meeting
The meeting agenda and any meeting materials can be found under 'Meeting Materials' on the right side of this page. These minutes set out the agenda item, the subject matter discussed, and any action taken on each item. To hear the full discussion on any agenda item, click on the link, and you will be taken directly to that section of the meeting video on the right side of the screen.
Note: While the written portion of the minutes below are published in agenda order, the items may have been presented in a different order.
Agenda Item 1 Call to order and pledges of allegiance
Agenda Item 2 Roll call and discussion and possible action to excuse Board member absence(s), if any
A roll call was conducted by the TALCB Recording Secretary and the following members of the Board, constituting a quorum, answered present: Chair Ms. Sara Oates, Ms. Martha Gayle Reid Lynch, Mr. Mark McAnally, Mr. Chance Bolton, Mr. Rolando Castro, Mr. John Eichelberger, Ms. Paola Escalante-Castillo, Ms. Stephanie Robinson, and Ms. Lisa Sprinkle.
Agenda Item 3 Opening remarks from the Chair and Board mission moment
Agenda Item 4 General comments from visitors on non-agenda items
No public comments were offered.
Agenda Item 5 Ratification of the official record of the May 10, 2024, Board meeting as approved for posting on the website by the Secretary of the Board
ACTION TAKEN: Mr. McAnally moved to ratify the minutes as presented. Mr. Bolton seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.
Agenda Item 6 Final orders and surrenders in the matter of Complaint 24-0325 (Armando Martinez, unlicensed)
Agenda Item 7 Report by Enforcement Committee
Agenda Item 8 Report by Executive Committee
Agenda Item 9 Report by Education & Licensing Committee
Agenda Item 10 Report by Budget & Finance Committee
Agenda Item 11 Report by TREC & TALCB Joint Audit Committee
Agenda Item 12 Staff reports on agency operations, initiatives and statistical data
Agenda Item 13 Executive session to discuss: (i) pending litigation or obtain advice of legal counsel on agenda items pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.071; and (ii) a security audit pursuant to Texas Government Code §§551.076 and 551.089
ACTION TAKEN: The Chair called the Board into executive session at 10:34 a.m.
The Chair reconvened the meeting at 11:28 a.m.
Agenda Item 14 Discussion and possible action to adopt amendments to 22 TAC §153.241, Sanctions Guidelines
ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Castro moved for the adoption of the amendments as published. Ms. Reid Lynch seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.
Agenda Item 15 Discussion and possible action to propose amendments to 22 TAC §153.24, Complaint Processing
ACTION TAKEN: Ms. Robinson moved that the amendments be published in the Texas Register for public comment as presented. Mr. McAnally seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.
Agenda Item 16 Discussion and possible action to propose amendments to 22 TAC Chapter 157, Subchapter B, Contested Case Hearings:
a. §157.9, Notice of Hearing
b. §157.10, Right to Counsel; Right to Participate
c. §157.11, Contested Cases; Entry of Appearance; Continuance
ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Bolton moved that the amendments be published in the Texas Register for public comment as presented. Ms. Robinson seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.
Agenda Item 17 Discussion and possible action to propose amendments to 22 TAC Chapter 157, Subchapter C, Post Hearing:
a. §157.17, Final Decisions and Orders
b. §157.18, Motions for Rehearing
ACTION TAKEN: Ms. Reid Lynch moved that the amendments be published in the Texas Register for public comment as presented. Ms. Robinson seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.
Agenda Item 18 Discussion and possible action to propose amendments to 22 TAC Chapter 157, Subchapter D, Penalties and Other Enforcement Provisions, §157.25, Temporary Suspension
ACTION TAKEN: Ms. Reid Lynch moved that the amendments be published in the Texas Register for public comment as presented. Mr. Bolton seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.
Agenda Item 19 Discussion and possible action to propose amendments to 22 TAC Chapter 157, Subchapter E, Alternative Dispute Resolution, §157.31, Investigative Conference
ACTION TAKEN: Mr. McAnally moved that the amendments be published in the Texas Register for public comment as presented. Mr. Bolton seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.
Agenda Item 20 Discussion and possible action regarding:
a. TALCB FY2025 Budget
b. Financial Administration Policy
c. Investment Policy
ACTION TAKEN on 20.b. and 20.c.: Ms. Robinson moved to approve the Financial Administration Policy and Investment Policy as presented, with a modification to Section 1.07 c. of the Financial Administration Policy to retain existing language regarding a sustainable fee reduction. Mr. McAnally seconded the motion, and the motion failed 4/5.
NOTE: Ms. Sprinkle and Ms. Escalante-Castillo exited the meeting at 12:07 p.m. and did not return.
Agenda Item 21 Discussion and possible action to amend TREC-TALCB MOU FY2024-25
ACTION TAKEN: Ms. Robinson moved to approve the TREC-TALCB MOU FY2024-25 as presented. Mr. Bolton seconded the motion, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.
Agenda Item 22 Update on PAREA from the Appraisal Institute
Agenda Item 23 Report on FY2024 Internal Audits
Note: Items 23 and 24 were taken together.
Agenda Item 24 Report on Internal Audit Plan for FY2025
Agenda Item 25 Discussion regarding 2023 Annual Report of the Appraisal Subcommittee
Agenda Item 26 Report on the 2024 ASC Compliance Review of the Texas Appraiser and AMC Regulatory Programs
Agenda Item 27 Report on the application of ASC grant funds
Agenda Item 28 Presentation by Pearson VUE regarding the administration of licensing examinations for appraisers
Agenda Item 29 Discussion and possible action regarding agenda items for future meetings
Mr. Bolton requested a revised FY2025 Budget.
Ms. Robinson requested a discussion regarding how to continue to reduce the barriers to entry for license holders.
Agenda Item 30 Discussion and possible action to schedule future meeting dates
Next meeting: November 15, 2024
Tentative future meeting: February 21, 2025
Future meetings dates were confirmed for November 15, 2024, and February 21, 2025, and tentatively set for May 16, 2025.
Agenda Item 31 Adjourn
The Chair adjourned the meeting at 12:59 p.m.